博元婦產科陰道痙攀症的發表在臺灣生殖醫學會研究,陰道痙攀症做試管嬰兒懷孕率是57.9%, 陰道痙攀症在博元婦產科胚胎快篩一條龍試管嬰兒成功  qPCR
她的胚胎經過胚胎快篩qPCR,植入之後今天來驗孕呈現兩條線,b-HCG-265.1 mIU/ml    她的超音波、取卵手術、植入胚胎只要經過陰道的檢查手術都要全身麻醉,所以她選擇試管嬰兒是可以理解,因為總不能一直麻醉、再麻醉,國外有報告顯示,多次麻醉會影響人的記憶力,恭喜她陰道痙攀症在博元婦產科以博元婦產科胚胎快篩一條龍試管嬰兒成功  qPCR植入成功懷孕,恭喜。
嚴重型『陰道痙攣症』需不需要做人工授精或試管嬰兒?ART----a last resort to conceive for severe vaginismus 
蔡鋒博*,陳昭雯,林昭彰,張月嬌,陳曉青,徐慧鈴,潘孟麗,張琇媛,施俐君 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心
Feng-Po Tsai*,Chao-Wen Chen,Chao-chang Lin,Yueh-Chiao Chang,Hsiao-Ching Chen,Hui-Ling Hsu,Meng-LI Pan,Hsiu-Yuan Chang,Li-Chun Shr Poyuan Women clinic,IVF centre,Chawghua Taiwan
Study Question: Vaginismus is the condition that affects a woman's ability to engage in any form of vaginal penetration, including sexual intercourse, insertion of tampons and/or menstrual cups, and the penetration involved in gynecological examinations. This is presumed to be the result of an involuntary vaginal muscle spasm, which makes any kind of vaginal penetration—including sexual intercourse—painful or impossible. Problems in sexual intercourse have an important cause and effect relationship with infertility in a large proportion of infertile couples.
Vaginismus is one such psychosomatic disorder of the female partner which precludes the intravaginal deposition of sperm and therefore pregnancy is unable to occure.
Study Design, Size, Duration:This is a retrospective study which includes all women of reproductive age who wished to become pregnant and had presented with significant  vaginesmus on genital examination and infertility due to unsuccessful sexual penetration in our clinic.
Materials, Setting, Methods:The outcome of 43  women with severe vaginismus received ART was analyzed. Among them,  24 women received IUI treatment and the remaining 19 women received IVF.
Main Results:19 of 43 women were pregnant via ART: 8 with intrauterine insemination and 11 with in vitro fertilization.
Conclusion:For infertility associated with vaginismus can not be successfully managed by any psychoanalytic techniques, physical tools such as dilators or pharmacologic agents , ART could be the last resort to conceive.
 APP http://goo.gl/NOyhFd
    創作者 訂做優生寶寶  的頭像


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