快速Rapid aCGH PGS 新鮮植入胚胎,求子成功故事分享2: C小姐年紀輕輕但多年不孕,卵巢功能不佳,我們用撲滿試管嬰兒累積10個囊胚, 沒想到進行快速的Rapid aCGH PGS,竟然只有一顆比第9個胚胎染色體正常,我們植入這個唯一的正常染色體胚胎,一顆就中, 從這兩個快速Rapid aCGH PGS 新鮮植入胚胎,求子成功故事案例可以發現, 胚胎染色體正常是胚胎著床的最重要因素,和關鍵步驟, 台灣的彰化市博元婦產科是少數能夠執行;打針、取卵、培養到囊胚、切片、第六天植入新鮮胚胎不用冷凍等染色體報告, 的確市面上的次世代定序,有病人反應他們說要等10天才有報告,這個跟國際上臨床進行次世代定序的試管嬰兒是新鮮胚胎都週期植入。不必冷凍是不吻合的,請看以下時間對照表: 她沒有做Rapid aCGH PGS 試管嬰兒不可能懷孕 目前顯示的是「a-CGH 9 a-CGH 05 胚胎說明.JPG」 目前顯示的是「aCGH 9 aCGH5 胚胎.jpg」 Representative Rapid aCGH data obtained from human blastocysts via trophectoderm biopsy performed on post-fertilization day 5. While standard microscopy confirmed good morphology (Grade 5AA) for both blastocysts, ploidy status was not uniform. Using Rapid aCGH to screen embryos before fresh transfer, normal chromosomal status (46,XX) was verified in 9, but not in 5 ( 45,YY, -18). Tsai et al. TSRM annual meeting 2015 目前顯示的是「aCGH 9 aCGH5 胚胎.jpg」 Representative Rapid aCGH data obtained from human blastocysts via trophectoderm biopsy performed on post-fertilization day 5. While standard microscopy confirmed good morphology (Grade 5AA) for both blastocysts, ploidy status was not uniform. Using Rapid aCGH to screen embryos before fresh transfer, normal chromosomal status (46,XX) was verified in 9, but not in 5 ( 45,YY, -18). Tsai et al. TSRM annual meeting 2015 9 目前顯示的是「9-1.jpg」 5 目前顯示的是「5-1.jpg」 Representative Rapid aCGH data obtained from human blastocysts via trophectoderm biopsy performed on post-fertilization day 5. While standard microscopy confirmed good morphology (Grade 5AA) for both blastocysts, ploidy status was not uniform. Using Rapid aCGH to screen embryos before fresh transfer, normal chromosomal status (46,XX) was verified in 9, but not in 5 ( 45,YY, -18). Tsai et al. TSRM annual meeting 2015 博元婦產科 使用基因晶片分析24染色體, 隔天第六天植入新鮮胚胎,報告出人意外, 1.只有1個染色體正常, 2.9個染色體的異常表現幾乎可以確定他自然懷孕也好、人工受精也好、傳統試管嬰兒不做胚胎切片也好,幾乎可以斷定他不可能懷孕成功, 她只植入那一顆正常染色體胚胎, 植入之10天後β-HCG為354.1,簡直是"一粒就中",著床率100% !!!! ,誰的功勞呢?基因晶片全染色體篩檢,加上新鮮胚胎植入,她沒有冷凍胚胎,有此項技術服務的試管嬰兒中心不多 ,恭喜他一次成功,我可以做一個結論: 她如果不是做aCGH微陣類基因晶片全染色體檢查,他們夫妻恐怕永遠也當不了爸媽。 她沒有做 Rapid aCGH PGS 試管嬰兒不可能懷孕 目前顯示的是「a-CGH 9 a-CGH 05 胚胎說明.JPG」 目前顯示的是「aCGH 9 aCGH5 胚胎.jpg」 Representative Rapid aCGH data obtained from human blastocysts via trophectoderm biopsy performed on post-fertilization day 5. While standard microscopy confirmed good morphology (Grade 5AA) for both blastocysts, ploidy status was not uniform. Using Rapid aCGH to screen embryos before fresh transfer, normal chromosomal status (46,XX) was verified in 9, but not in 5 ( 45,YY, -18). Tsai et al. TSRM annual meeting 201 5 目前顯示的是「aCGH 9 aCGH5 胚胎.jpg」 Representative Rapid aCGH data obtained from human blastocysts via trophectoderm biopsy performed on post-fertilization day 5. While standard microscopy confirmed good morphology (Grade 5AA) for both blastocysts, ploidy status was not uniform. Using Rapid aCGH to screen embryos before fresh transfer, normal chromosomal status (46,XX) was verified in 9, but not in 5 ( 45,YY, -18). Tsai et al. TSRM annual meeting 201 5
- Jun 15 Mon 2015 18:45
快速Rapid aCGH PGS 新鮮植入胚胎,求子成功故事分享