pgs 胚胎快篩:著床前基因診斷世界新趨勢 selection embryo 一份有由三大PGS重鎮: 1.澳洲墨爾本大學的大衛。嘉頓 2.西班牙IVI試管嬰兒中心的盧比歐 3.美國紐澤西團隊的崔佛 Treff 最近發表一份整理性的文件,題目是「選擇有活力的胚胎」。 胚胎選擇胚胎的方法有: 1.縮時攝影Timelapse 2.基因晶片 aCGH 3.單核苷酸晶片 SNP 4.qPCR 5.次世代定序 NGS 6.配胎的代謝,如胺基酸的消耗量、葡萄糖的代謝率 非常早以前就有人發現,胚胎長的比較快,比較容易懷孕。 比如,世界第一個試管嬰兒之父-愛德華, 他就發現胚胎分裂比較快, 比較容易懷孕成功。 選擇胚胎目前大家大多是 使用顯微鏡來看; 有一陣子,大家使用縮時攝影, 但最近有一些研究發現,縮時攝影有時候不準, 所以大家就又回歸基本面, 去快篩胚胎的染色體、基因。 而這裡面又有: 1.aCGH基因晶片:好處是詳細,但很貴。 2.SNP單核苷酸多樣性:它是慢又貴 3.qPCR:它是快又便宜,但是只能看染色體的數量, 片段的缺失看不出來 4.NGS 次世代定序:但是它必須使用PCR來做基因放大、定序, 好處是快又便宜, 但因為資料太詳盡, 需要有相關能夠寫出分析程式的人才才能夠分析。 從2012年到現在,全世界已經有9篇有關PGS的研究: 1.2012年楊博士使用基因晶片,懷孕率69.1% 2.2013年活曼使用qPCR,植入一個胚胎的懷孕率是60.7%,但有兩個沒有做胚胎切片,懷孕率是65.1% 3.2013年史考特使用qPCR,植入兩個胚胎達到空前的活產率,有84.7% 4.史谷克拉夫使用單核苷酸多樣性,懷孕率74.5% 5.去年ESHRE歐洲生殖醫學會:使用aCGH基因晶片 6.上海集愛試管嬰兒中心使用基因晶片 7.IVI 盧比歐 使用第三天胚胎切片,用aCGH基因晶片去分析 8.聖地牙哥。妙恩使用次世代定序NGS,這個研究仍在進行中,還沒有報告 9.RMANJ 史考特 去年二月的次世代定序,植入兩個胚胎,目前還在統計當中沒有數據 以上是目前有規格的PGS研究, 當然選擇胚胎也可以同時使用縮時攝影, 或者是去分析葡萄糖的代謝。 他們發現, 如果吞葡萄糖比較多的胚胎,比較容易懷孕, 而吞葡萄糖比較低的可能是男寶寶; 也有人使用微液體系統 Microfluid 去分析分析胚胎。 以上方法這麼多,目的只有一個:就是選擇有辦法著床的viability 胚胎。 將來人工生殖的實驗室可能都要靠晶片、晶片、晶片, 因為胚胎本身就是大量的訊號, 它必須要由晶片去分析, 而 NGS 次世代定序就是其中的佼佼者。 人工生殖的目的在於:一次植入一個健康的寶寶, 目前全世界都在拼次世代定序: 中國大陸的BGI華大基因公司、 美國的生殖基因公司Reprogenetics、 義大利的羅馬Genoma團隊、 紐澤西的RMANJ團隊, 是全世界前四大的領頭羊 他們競爭的越厲害,病人越有福氣, 因為選對了胚胎就能夠大幅提升懷孕率及活產率。
- Mar 27 Fri 2015 16:33
pgs 胚胎快篩:著床前基因診斷世界新趨勢 selection embryo
- 全站分類:醫療保健
- 上一篇: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕
- 下一篇: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。
- 2015: 不敢相信!史上AMH最低FSH最高43歲,彰化博元試管嬰兒凍融1個凍胚,成功懷孕
- 2015: 48歲婦女生子!是“非夢事”?還是“不思議”? 2台北48歲 婦女,在博元婦產科借卵生子!只〝一次試管嬰兒就懷孕成 功〞! 一雙胞,另一單胞胎!
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- 2015: 新CCS試管嬰兒 新鮮胚胎植入 <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe>
- 2015: 胚胎快篩:一條龍試管嬰兒 整合醫療團隊訂做優生寶寶
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future. 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future. 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future. 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future. 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future. 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future.
- 2015: 14歲前 打子宮頸疫苗 可少一劑 患者年輕化 及早防癌省4千
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future.
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future.
- 2015: 婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」助好孕 在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中,有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表,其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究更是受人矚目。 國內目前的試管嬰兒技術已經相當成熟,懷孕率與歐美並駕齊驅。 目前有待突破的關鍵點在於如何選擇健康的胚胎植回子宮, 以及在胚胎著床階段究竟受何因素的影響,如胚胎著床之窗, 這些議題依舊是醫界努力研究的領域。 蔡醫師說明,現在的試管嬰兒技術, 傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎,目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體,分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。 如何選擇染色體正常的整倍胚胎、選到最有潛力著床的胚胎, 是試管嬰兒治療成功最關鍵的步驟。 染色體不整倍將導致胚胎無法著床或流產, 這也是在試管嬰兒治療中,最需要被克服的問題之一。 在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷, 因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。 在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%,扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。 初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論, 仍須收集更多案例,才能提供更有力的臨床證據。 蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中,選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、 降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍式試管嬰兒」技術的應用, 將對於有基因遺傳疾病、反覆流產的病人有相當大的幫忙。 Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study 試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以qPCR進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體診斷,不必冷凍,直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮:先驅性研究 蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1,施俐君1陳明 2,4,5 Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5 Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1 博元婦產科,不孕症試管嬰兒中心[1] 彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2] 中興大學 生命科學系[3] 台灣大學醫學院婦產部[4] 東海大學 生命科學系[5] Introduction Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome. Patient(s) Material and method 15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle. Result(s) A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11). Conclusion Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future.
- 2015: 蝦米?!男性相揪打子宮頸癌疫苗 hpv
- 2015: 彰化博元婦產科儲蓄型試管嬰兒試驗有成
- 2015: 美食家韓良露子宮肉癌今晨過世!她如何警覺子宮肉癌?什麼病會在1月診斷出來三月就過世了太恐佈了
- 2015: 子宫肌瘤引起的不孕症求子十部曲
- 2015: 陰道痙攀症在博元婦產科胚胎快篩一條龍試管嬰兒成功 qPCR
- 2014: 在博元婦產科借卵一次成功 終結4 個先天癱軟疾病小孩的噩夢!
- 2014: 在博元婦產科只一次借卵試管嬰兒就成功生雙胞胎!
- 2014: 借卵試管嬰兒新鮮胚胎植入沒有成功懷孕
- 2014: 她因染色體異常在博元婦產科借卵試管嬰兒一次成功生龍鳳胎!
- 2014: 在博元婦產科只一次借卵試管嬰兒就成功生雙胞胎! egg STORY
- 2014: 在博元婦產科只借卵一次試管嬰兒成功生雙龍胎!
- 2014: 為什麼我試管嬰兒失敗?為什麼胚胎沒有著床?我要怎麼做下次才會成功?不再失敗! c
- 2014: 不孕5年 41歲婦試管治療產子
- 2014: 誤信可樂可殺精 21歲女懷孕
- 2014: 新長效期排卵針 讓39歲婦懷2胞胎
- 2014: 罹絲路病 婦反覆嘴破陰部潰瘍
- 2014: 年紀與不孕症的關係,為什麼40歲以後要做試管嬰兒?age
- 2014: 在博元婦產科借卵試管嬰兒一次成功生雙胞胎!DONATION
- 2014: 年紀與不孕症的關係,為什麼40歲以後要做試管嬰兒?age
- 2014: 如何從胚胎外觀去判斷胚胎染色體正常與否?pgs
- 2014: 如何達到試管嬰兒成功率極高!pgs
- 2014: 為什麼做試管嬰兒要取到15~20顆卵子成功率最高?!EGG
- 2014: 在博元婦產科借卵一次成功 終結4 個先天疾病小孩的噩夢! egg
- 2014: 在博元婦產科借卵試管嬰兒一次成功生雙胞胎!DONATION egg
- 2014: 新鮮胚胎和冷凍胚胎合併植入子宮,成功懷孕博元做一次試管嬰兒成功 PGS cryo un
- 2014: 36歲在博元只做一次試管嬰兒,就成功懷了一對雙胞胎 ivf
- 2014: 如何達到試管嬰兒成功率極高!pgs
- 2014: 冷凍胚胎,在博元一次試管嬰兒成功 cryo
- 2014: 打排卵針致癌? 醫:風險低
- 2014: 婦卵巢早衰 竟自然懷孕 記者曾厚銘
- 2014: 3個月月經沒來 多囊性卵巢症作祟
- 2014: 罹絲路病 婦反覆嘴破陰部潰瘍
- 2014: 排卵針打太多 孕婦腹漲如蛙
- 2014: 46歲癌婦試出雙胞胎 一圓生子夢!
- 2014: 巧克力囊腫免剖腹,用吸的??
- 2014: 女人生育的紅綠燈?
- 2014: 人工流產後遺症 子宮內有樓中樓 ! 經子宮鏡治療後 進行試管嬰兒一次成功生子
- 2014: 習慣性流產,蛋黃治療奏效 六度流產女終產子
- 2014: 醫學大突破 漸凍人生下健康雙胞胎
- 2014: 如何達到試管嬰兒成功率極高!
- 2014: 年紀與不孕症的關係,為什麼40歲以後要做試管嬰兒?age
- 2014: 如何從胚胎外觀去判斷胚胎染色體正常與否?pgs
- 2014: 為什麼做試管嬰兒要取到15~20顆卵子成功率最高?!EGG
- 2014: 在博元婦產科借卵試管嬰兒一次成功生雙胞胎!DONATION egg
- 2014: 新鮮胚胎和冷凍胚胎合併植入子宮,成功懷孕博元做一次試管嬰兒成功 PGS cryo un
- 2014: 如何達到試管嬰兒成功率極高!pgs
- 2014: 冷凍胚胎,在博元一次試管嬰兒成功 cryo
- 2014: 博元婦產科 播豬哥亮秀仿效;國外新療法 做試管嬰兒看笑片
- 2014: 48歲試管嬰兒3胞胎〈中天新聞〉報導博元試管嬰兒中心
- 2014: 卵巢扭轉-年代
- 2014: 在博元婦產科借卵一次成功 終結4 個先天疾病小孩的噩夢!
- 2014: 36歲在博元只做一次試管嬰兒,就成功生下一對雙胞胎
- 2011: 多次試管嬰兒失敗新救星 搔刮子宮內膜做試管嬰兒成功懷孕案例 <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 搔刮子宮內膜"><img src="" width="260" height="194" alt="搔刮子宮內膜" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 搔刮子宮內膜2"><img src="" width="398" height="243" alt="搔刮子宮內膜2" /></a> <object width="960" height="750"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="960" height="750"></embed></object> <object width="960" height="750"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="960" height="750"></embed></object> 進行試管嬰兒療程,進入誘導排卵療程前先予以輕度搔刮子宮內膜,因為子宮內膜修補的過程中會分泌大量的生長因子與細胞激素,而這些生長因子與細胞激素是胚胎著床所須的。接著進行試管嬰兒療程,植入四個高品質的胚胎,結果順利懷了雙胞胎! 有沒有子宮刮燒做試管嬰兒成功懷孕案例 請問蔡醫師你最近回答病人網友說刮燒子宮會增加試管嬰兒成功率,請問你有成功的案例嗎? 小豆子你好:博元婦產科在做試管嬰兒前一個月會幫病人做子宮鏡,如果有問題都會幫病人做息肉切除,切除就是子宮刮燒,因此成功 的個案很多很多,結一次來講,王小姐因為在別的醫院做過2次試管嬰兒失敗,在我們醫院要做之前幫他做子宮鏡,發現他有很多息肉,經過息肉切除之後,一次試管嬰兒成功生下雙胞龍鳳胎,請看以下的報導。 以色列Nava博士研究發現,在胚胎適合著床期間,子宮內膜的生化表現,和子宮內膜受傷誘發的發炎反應極為類似,受傷的子宮內膜會釋放出腫瘤壞死因子(TNF-α),刺激產生許多細胞間質(Cytokines),引來吞噬細胞及大量神經樹突細胞的聚集。而這些免疫細胞促使子宮內膜細胞產生微小分子,進而和早期胚胎(囊胚)互動,引導它向子宮內膜接觸、結合進而著床。Nava博士的研究證實子宮內膜受刺激後,做試管嬰兒有兩倍以上的成功率。 板主 於 2011/2/18 上午 08:45 回覆 「子宮內膜刺激術」,乃是以人為的方式讓子宮內膜產生小傷口,引發體內生長因子聚集在子宮,除了幫助傷口復原,在未來的兩三個月內,生長因子也會協助胚胎著床在子宮內膜上,可以提高試管嬰兒治療成功率, <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object> 多次試管嬰兒失敗新救星以色列醫師Ravit,發現進入試管前一個月幫病患做子宮鏡及子宮內膜刺激術,可使胚胎重覆著床失敗的病人成功受孕。 他發現19位多次試管失敗患者,接受這種治療後再做試管嬰兒,懷孕率高達42%,另外的19位患者,因為沒做子宮鏡合併子宮內膜刺激術,沒有一位成功懷孕。 Ravit認為子宮內膜刺激術,使患者子宮自行產生對胚胎著床有幫助的細胞間素及生長 因子,透過這些因子使胚胎和子宮內膜之間,取得良好的「溝通」並進一步著床! 博元婦產科不孕症試管嬰兒中心:蔡鋒博,陳昭雯醫師
- 2011: 黃體軟膏優於黃體打針crinone <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 黃體素不足成功生子 2"><img src="" width="400" height="300" alt="黃體素不足成功生子 2" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 黃體油針"><img src="" width="480" height="360" alt="黃體油針" /></a> 最近有一份研究針對哈佛醫學院馬克醫師,他用試管嬰兒隨機分成兩組,一組是打油針很痛,一組是用黃體軟膏快孕隆,在206位用黃體軟膏裡面有93個懷孕成功,201位打黃體油針的病人,有85位懷孕成功,這樣算起來成功率快孕隆這一組是45%,黃體油針這一組是43%,這是一樣的,那既然懷孕率一樣,為什麼不選比較不痛的快孕隆。
- 2011: 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做試管嬰兒(中天新聞) 日本有一位鈴木先生,因為台灣籍的妻子要做試管嬰兒,就怕妻子在日本,受孕的胚胎會受到輻射污染影響,因此鈴木先生陪著太太,回到彰化博元婦產科,進行受孕手術,雖然鈴木先生必須先拋下日本的教職工作,但鈴木先生說,太太和孩子的健康,才是最重要的。 <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)4"><img src="" width="720" height="480" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)4" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)22"><img src="" width="720" height="480" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)22" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)21"><img src="" width="720" height="480" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)21" /></a> <object width="400" height="298" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="298"></embed></object> <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="960" height="750" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞) 日本有一位鈴木先生,因為台灣籍的妻子要做試管嬰兒,就怕妻子在日本,受孕的胚胎會受到輻射污染影響,因此鈴木先生陪著太太,回到彰化博元婦產科,進行受孕手術,雖然鈴木先生必須先拋下日本的教職工作,但鈴木先生說,太太和孩子的健康,才是最重要的。 <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)1"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)1" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)3"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)3" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)10"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)10" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)2"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)2" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)10"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)10" /></a> <a href="" title="Flickr 上 7260678 的 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)18"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做人工授精(中天新聞)18" /></a> 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做試管嬰兒(中天新聞) 日本有一位鈴木先生,因為台灣籍的妻子要做試管嬰兒,就怕妻子在日本,受孕的胚胎會受到輻射污染影響,因此鈴木先生陪著太太,回到彰化博元婦產科,進行受孕手術,雖然鈴木先生必須先拋下日本的教職工作,但鈴木先生說,太太和孩子的健康,才是最重要的。
- 2011: 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做試管嬰兒(中天新聞)
- 2011: 怕輻射,日教授陪妻特地搭機來博元婦產科受孕做試管嬰兒(中天新聞)